5 Simple Stretches for Knee Pain

5 Simple Stretches for Knee Pain

January 18, 2021

Try these very quick and simple stretches that we frequently prescribe for our patients with knee pain at Universus Physical Therapy! Give them a try and let us know how you felt. Knee pain is a very common problem that we see at our physical therapy clinic in Huntington. We find that overall our doctors have great success with helping people develop a home program which involves daily stretches/mobility exercises in order to keep the knee loose and pain-free! If you have any questions about these stretches or others, reach out to us at 631-533-2888 or https://universuspt.com. Here is our specific knee pain page: https://universuspt.com/knee-pain/

Good luck!!


1. Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Assume a “half kneel position” while keeping a tall upright posture.
  • To increase the stretch, keep and upright posture and translate your body forward, slightly.
  • To increase the stretch, keep and upright posture and translate your body forward, slightly.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and perform 4 sets

2. Figure Four Stretch


  • Cross leg over and above the opposite knee.
  • Maintaining an elongated, upright posture slightly bow forward maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and perform 4 sets.

Lying Down

  • Cross leg over and above the opposite knee.
  • Interlace hands behind the straight leg, pulling it towards your chest.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and perform 4 sets.

3. Hamstring Stretch


  • Stagger your stance, placing one leg ahead of the other.
  • Placing the heel down, maintain an elongated and neutral spine as you slowly bow forward.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and perform 4 sets

4. Calf Stretch

  • Standing near a wall, stagger your stance while keeping a slight bend in the front leg.
  • Keeping your back leg straight and your heel on the ground lean toward the wall.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and perform 4 sets.

5. Quad stretch

  • Standing near a surface for balance
    Use the same or opposite hand to grab on to one of your ankles
  • Keep a tall and neutral spine throughout
  • Hold for 30 seconds and perform 4 sets

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