5 Simple Stretches for Knee Pain
Try these very quick and simple stretches that we frequently prescribe for our patients with knee pain at Universus Physical Therapy! Give them a try and let us know how you felt. Knee pain is a...
What do my feet have to do with my knee pain?
What if I told you that the posture of your foot has a tremendous effect on your knee, hip and even your lower back? Seems crazy, right? Let’s find out why the posture of your foot may be the...
How are your Poops Coming Along?
In all seriousness, I hear this a lot from the people we help… Bowel Movements aren’t always so easy(sometimes painful) and it happens more often than you may think! If you suffer from any of these:...
“Is it my neck or my shoulder?” It is often hard to tell….
We recently had a patient seen here today, she is a 52 y/o female. she’s actually a teacher, she’s been super stressed out about going back to school. So stress levels are super high, anxiety is...
Getting Serious About YOUR Health: Facts on Inflammation and Good Health
Now more than ever we are hearing about how risky it is to be “unhealthy”. We need to start to think about health in a more holistic, well-rounded way. Facts: Exercise alone is not enough, diet...
I Am Exercising But My Pain Is STILL There!
“I can do everything, but with pain.” “The pain doesn’t stop me but it is always there.” These are statements I hear all the time from my patients. Here is another one: “I don’t have pain when I...
Beyond The Mask: 9 Things That Are More Important To Your Immune System Than A Mask!
When I taught Pathophysiology to nursing students in 2012, the immune system is something I spent a lot of time on. I explained that your immune system has a few different lines of defense, similar...
Natural way to manage Chronic Pain, Inflammation, Stresses and Anxiety
What if I told you there is a completely natural way to manage chronic pain, inflammation, stresses and anxiety? Unanimously, the answer would be a resounding “SIGN ME UP!”. Cannabidiol, better...
You Are More Than Your Imaging
Use of diagnostic imaging – X-ray, MRI, CT Scan, etc. – are vital tools in the diagnosis of medical conditions, but are they being overused? With the prevalence of low back pain continuing to rise...
Yoga for Healing
It is no surprise that I LOVE yoga. I am a practitioner of yoga myself for 20 years now and I love helping my patients develop yoga programs specifically tailored to their body’s needs. The best...